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27 Kolokwia Psychologiczne

nowoczesne technologie w badaniach i praktyce psychologicznej, rzeczywistość wirtualna i rozszerzona, okulografia, gry komputerowe, wykorzystanie Internetu w badaniach i praktyce klinicznej, relacje człowiek-komputer

Major paradigms for eye-movement research in psychology

I will first make a brief overview of four success stories of eye-movement research. I then reflect on the formation of paradigms since the start of eye-movement research in the 1890s. This is followed by an overview of around 10 common paradigms that have been used in psychology labs across the world: The preferential looking paradigm, the anti-saccade paradigm, the distractor paradigm, the visual search paradigm, the visual world paradigm, the looking at nothing paradigm, the vestibular paradigms, and the scene perception paradigms. I then present the major paradigms from reading research. I conclude the lecture with a description of how to design eye-movement studies when there are no previous paradigms.

Prof. Kenneth Holmqvist

I am a Professor in Psychology at Lund university, where I founded the eye-tracking laboratory in 1995, which later grew into the large Humanities Laboratory. I have worked in a large variety of eye-tracking-based research stretching from reading research and scene perception, over to newspaper reading, advertisement studies and gesture recognition in face-to-face interaction. I also have expertise in eye tracking used in applied areas, including decision making in supermarkets and research on safety in car driving and air traffic control. In 2000, I initiated regular master courses in eye-tracking methodology. In 2006, I founded the Scandinavian Conference on Applied Eye-tracking, and in 2008, the international LETA training courses in eye-tracking methodology. In 2013, we organized the ECEM conference. I am the main author of the international standard „Eye Tracking: a comprehensive guide to methods and measures”, which will soon appear in its 2nd edition.